Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 6

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 6

Fiction in the time of Covid – Episode 6 Apologies to my many Tiffy & Mrs. Mac fans for not posting the latest episode of the duo’s adventures until now. Let’s call it fiction fatigue or pandemic pause. Whatever alliteration takes your fancy. I...

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 5

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 5

Fiction in the time of Covid – Episode 5 I’m back with another episode of my non-award-winning fiction series, The Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs. Mac. For the newcomers to my blog, I post my 500-word stories a few months after I’ve written them....

Dance Class Casualty

Dance Class Casualty

Baby Loves to Cha-Cha Over the years I’ve been dabbling in comedy – I once had a column in a local Sydney paper, I sent away pieces to Aussie magazines when I lived in London many years ago and even submitted the odd snippet to Reader’s Digest...

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 4

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 4

Fiction in the time of Covid: Episode 4 Hi All, I’m back with another installment of fiction featuring my devil-may-care duo – Tiffany and Mrs. MacPhillamy. One day I’ll reveal the old lady’s first name, but not quite yet. Last month the duo...

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 3

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 3

FICTION IN THE TIME OF COVID:  Episode 3 Some readers will know that I started writing fiction for kicks when travel writing dried up or began to wither on the vine. I do love a deadline and the Furious Fiction writing contest suits me down to the ground. We entrants...

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 2

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 2

Fiction in the time of Covid: Episode 2 You may recall that I decided, in September 2020, to enter the monthly Furious Fiction writing competition following a  friend’s suggestion.  What started as a bit of frivolous fun has turned into something of a passion. I...

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 1

Adventures of Tiffany & Mrs Mac – Episode 1

Fiction in the time of Covid: Episode 1 When you can’t go cruising or travelling – and write about it for a living – there are still many creative ways to keep your mind nimble. I decided to enter the monthly Furious Fiction writing competition last...

Trouser that!  Pocketing a bargain on strides in Bateman’s Bay

Trouser that! Pocketing a bargain on strides in Bateman’s Bay

Nothing like a catchy pun-filled headline to hook you in.  Or so I’m hoping. Indulge me if you will. There I was in Bateman’s Bay in early February, five weeks after devastating bushfires had sent most of the townsfolk to nearby beaches to escape the...

Locked out – but not alone

Locked out – but not alone

Melbourne is in lock-down, with a six-week curfew curtailing life in the otherwise vibrant southern city. It’s no laughing matter. However, my little adventure, where I was locked out of a groovy Melbourne hotel room, rather than locked in, might just raise a...

Paradise Found – French Polynesia Opens to Visitors

Paradise Found – French Polynesia Opens to Visitors

  French Polynesia was one of the first places in the world to close its borders when coronavirus hit and that was a very good move. The islands have recorded just 62 cases of COVID-19 and no deaths at all. * These good figures have been reflected in other...

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